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Get involved - Make  a Difference!


We are looking for year round volunteers as well as volunteers to help us during Parrot Festival. Volunteers can earn benefits and perks. We are looking for the following volunteers:

  • Grant Writers

  • Rescue Parrot Fosters

  • ...




If you are interested in volunteering for Parrot Festival, click here to learn more and sign up. 



National Parrot Rescue & Preservation Foundation rescues, rehabilitates, and re-homes displaced parrots. We are committed to the education of current and prospective parrot owners and parrot related organizations.

Hyacinth Macaw
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Become a Sponsor


  • Present the annual Parrot Festival for the purpose of education and fundraising.

  • Provide information to other rescue organizations on capture and care of parrots.

  • Because parrots can often outlive their owners, become displaced, abandoned, or lost from their homes, HPRPF strives to improve efforts for parrots and owners in need.

  • Because many rescued parrots arrive emotionally unstable which can manifest itself in unwanted behaviors, our goal is to recruit and train volunteers for rehabilitation and parrot care efforts.

  • NPRPF needs a large base of prospective suitable qualified parrot homes and is actively seeking applications for placement.


Become a Member​

We have several levels of Individual, Family and Business memberships available. Our memberships are tax deductible. 

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