Registration Information
Parrot Festival
Parrot Festival is offering the following specials:
Veterinary and Zoo Staff: 50% discount!
You will need to present your clinic or Zoo ID at the festival to prove your employment.
Students: $35 Registration
You will need to present your Student ID at the festival to prove your student status.
Parrot Festival Volunteers: We offer varying discounts and benefits to all of our volunteers
Minimum number of volunteer hours required to receive discount. Sign up to volunteer here.
Vendors, Advertising, and Sponsorships are a critical part of Parrot Festival and we look forward to working with each and everyone one of you.
Vendor Opportunities at Parrot Festival
In this package, we present several ways to make it easy for you to help NPRPF and Parrot Festival, but you are not limited to these suggestions.
Download and browse through the "Prospectus." Contact the Vendor Coordinator, Jan Marquardt for space availablity and questions.
Advertising & Sponsorships
NPRPF is not limited to just the guides for sponsorship or advertising that is listed in these packages and are open to your suggestions and guidelines.
We would like to thank you for your support. Without supporters we would be unable to bring this educational conference to the avian community of parrot pet owners, breeders and others interested in aviculture.
We look forward to working with both previous sponsors and exhibitors and new ones. Please do not hesitate to contact one of us by email for more information or suggestions.
Sponsor Parrot Festival
Conference Sponsor
CatchBox (OneTime Opportunity)
Photo-Op Wall (OneTime Opportunity)
Crowdsync Braclets (OneTime Opportunity)
Friday Night “Reception & Party”
Breakfast Pastry Sponsors
Vendor Hall Sponsor
Conference Door Prize Sponsor
Art & Wine Workshop
Coffee or Tea Breaks
Speaker Sponsors
Banquet Table Sponsor
Banquet Favor Sponsor
Banquet Door Prize Sponsor
Download the "Prospectus" for details about each one of these options.
Program Advertising
Advertise in the Program for Parrot Festival, which is provided free to all registered attendees. Additional Programs will be distributed as promotional material throughout the year to future attendees, advertisers, speakers, and other potential participants of future Parrot Festivals. Our Programs are 8 ½ x 11 comb bound with a sturdy full-color cover. This encourages people to keep them from year to year as a reference. Ad placement is determined on a first come/first served basis, depending on when payment is received and the size of the ad. Ad layout will be provided by request and at a small fee*. All ads/inserts are subject to approval by NPRPF.
Download the "Prospectus" for details & Program for a sample.